Print in the Channel - issue #11


This consolidation allows for the integration of diverse data sets into a unified platform, enhancing efficiency and accessibility. The integration of IoT devices into supply chains and warehouses is also on the rise. This development will necessitate a greater emphasis on mobile management solutions to facilitate maintenance and monitoring. By proactively managing these devices, warehouses can mitigate the expenses associated with replacement or repairs, ultimately optimising their operational cost- effectiveness. We anticipate two other significant trends that, intriguingly, counterbalance each other. First, a cohort of businesses will strive to prolong the lifespan of their existing estate of barcode scanners, exploring innovative applications and services for their scanning technology to continually drive efficiency gains. This shift will spotlight a renewed focus on asset management, ensuring that scanning devices are readily accessible to end users when needed, thus avoiding productivity losses resulting from devices left idle on pallets, in cages or on racks. With this trend, we expect to see a growing awareness of the benefits of partnering with third-party providers that offer enterprise mobility managed services. Managed services can play a pivotal role in optimising an organisation’s mobile device estates to maximise their lifespan. These providers offer a range of services including ongoing maintenance and 24/7 multilingual support, managing buffer stock and proactively monitoring software updates and device utilisation. Conversely, another segment of businesses still relies on legacy technology, often still utilising the now-unsupported Windows Mobile operating system. It is our prediction that many of these enterprises will recognise the imperative need to migrate away from Windows to the more versatile, secure and future-proof Android operating system. This transition brings the challenge of migrating existing applications to the new platform and focusing on user adoption of the newly deployed technology. However, the potential rewards clearly outweigh any associated risks, as the benefits of this transition promise substantial gains in efficiency and security.

should guide your selection. Consider the height, size and distance of the barcodes; these variables will dictate whether you require short-, long- or extended long-range barcode scanners. The future-proofing aspect of a mobile scanning device warrants careful consideration. Does the customer require a multifunctional device capable of handling tasks like picking, packing and putting away, managing mobile desktop operations running a full suite of MS Office applications, or pairing with a screen and keyboard? Do they need to enhance communication by pairing the device with a headset to facilitate seamless workforce interaction? All these aspects should factor into the decision, along with the assurance that the devices’ operating system will remain viable and adaptable for the business’ needs over the course of three, five or seven years. Future Across all industries, the rapid proliferation of digitalisation is evident, and there’s a clear trajectory for its continued expansion. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst, further accelerating the adoption of digital processes, particularly through the surge in online shopping. In warehousing, this digital transformation is manifesting in the growing utilisation of RFID solutions. Warehouses today are markedly distinct from their earlier counterparts, with barcode scanning technology becoming more accessible than ever before, available across various requirements and price ranges. This shift mirrors the broader trend, where the necessity of digital solutions and technologies has become a fundamental part of operational strategies. We are also seeing growing demand for multi-functionality in devices, which has led to streamlined device inventories, with a single device serving multiple purposes.


today are markedly distinct from their earlier counterparts, with barcode scanning technology becoming more accessible than ever before, available across various requirements and price ranges.


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