Print in the Channel - issue #11


Sustaining interest Sustainability is a watchword for the print channel today, with increasing numbers of customers in a range of industries seeking to cut their environmental emissions. It is something that is only going to become more important in the coming years, so resellers need to prioritise it externally and internally.

From talking to a range of people in the print channel, including manufacturers, distributors and resellers over recent months, it is clear that sustainability issues are becoming ever-more important. And the feeling is that it is only going to become more important in the coming years. A recent report by Quocira (see our news section starting on p6) highlighted that seven in 10 decision makers say it is important that suppliers demonstrate that they are reducing their own environmental impact, and the same percentage say it is important their supplier provides a range of sustainable products and services. In addition, 69% of businesses say they formally track the environmental performance of their print supplier.

and are now using things like solar panels on the roofs of office and warehouse buildings, as well as using more energy efficient devices within them to cut down on electricity use and carbon emissions. Sustainability also provides a range of opportunities for resellers in a range of sectors. For instance, in the financial services sector, businesses are under increasing pressure to deliver on ESG targets and reduce their carbon footprint. But for resellers, the demand goes beyond providing sustainable products and services to detailed reporting that can help businesses assess their current progress and develop internal strategies. Read more on p29. Other sectors, such as retail and hospitality, are also looking to become more sustainable, and printers are playing an important role in this. Point of sale (PoS) printers are vital for many businesses to operate efficiently in what are fast-paced industries, and that efficiency can save time and resources. There are also more businesses using linerless labels, which don’t have siliconised label carrier sheets, which are non-recyclable so, when sent to landfill, they contribute to CO2 emissions. Find out more on p34. Sustainability is a win-win – we all benefit from a cleaner environment, and resellers can benefit financially by taking advantage of all the opportunities it brings. As always, I hope you enjoy the issue. If there is a topic you wish to see covered in a forthcoming issue of Print in the Channel , please let me know. Likewise, if you wish to get involved in editorial – I’m always on the lookout for thought leadership pieces etc – or advertising, please drop me an email at

Dan Parton

This shows that businesses in the sector must continue to improve their own sustainability and not just stock products that are environmentally friendly. The days of being able to ‘talk the talk’ but skimping on the ‘walk the walk’ bit when it comes to sustainability are now over – greenwashing cannot be got away and can adversely impact on the bottom line. Many businesses in the sector are getting to grips with this now, which is heartening to see


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