Print in the Channel - issue #11


News You should know p6 Lexmark Set for continued growth p11 Cloud Print Small businesses, big opportunities p16 Warehouse Scanning Mobile barcode scanners p24 Security Faith in zero trust p28 Print in Financial Services The sector relies on print p29 PoS Printers A range of opportunities p34 Business Printing The key to success p38 PoS Systems In the retail and hospitality sectors p42 People News Konica Minolta’s new CFO p44 The Stockies The 2023 Shortlists p46

Print in Financial Services – p29

Cloud Print – p16

The cloud print market is expanding rapidly as more businesses seek to take advantage of the benefits of it, including SMEs, but what are the barriers to cloud printing for SMEs and how can resellers help them to overcome these?

Financial services is still a sector that relies heavily on print to ensure the smooth running of operations and correspondence with clients. This means it can be a profitable sector for resellers.

Warehouse Scanning – p24

Incorporating mobile barcode scanners in warehouses has many advantages for businesses in terms of efficiency and

productivity, but these benefits can be lost...

Business Printing – p38

Security – p28

As cybercrime continues to rise, businesses need to be alert to the threat and take measures against it. This includes looking at their print fleet and is where Canon uniFLOW Online can help.

Business printing is facing key challenges, but manufacturers and resellers in the sector are responding to these – including through inkjet printers, according to Key Digital’s Andy Ratcliffe.


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