Print in the Channel - issue #19



Kerry Rush product marketing manager

For most clients, AI is still new and unfamiliar to them and the extent of what AI can do, not just in print, is still unknown. That’s why it’s important for us as their technology partner, to guide them on their AI journey and provide expert advice.

Approaching conversations While education is an important part of the reseller role when it comes to AI in print, there are also various benefits they should be highlighting to customers. “Private and public sector organisations tend to want the same core benefits from a new service or solution; it needs to offer value for money, deliver a tangible ROI, be flexible, scalable and easy to maintain,” says Stuart. “Many print management solutions already deliver against those requirements while also delivering cost, efficiency and sustainability benefits. Done well, AI will serve to amplify those benefits, rather than bringing anything radical to the print party. Setting expectations will be key if customers are to appreciate how AI improves print in the long-term.” Meanwhile, Ian Fox, channel solutions and services specialist at Xerox, says that one potential approach would be understanding if their customers are already looking to use AI within any part of their business and not just print. “This could be used as a conversation starter to understand which areas and if they have any concerns about adopting these new technologies,” he says. “For example, are you engaged in any internal projects utilising AI within your organisation?”

automating tasks, like recognising critical content for redaction or summarising. “Customers are aware of what they are looking for in terms of benefits, but not necessarily of what is possible or indeed available; here lies the role of the reseller to help them by offering the right combination of AI-assisted platforms, services, software and applications for their business.” Education is key Another key role for resellers regarding AI is educating customers about it and its benefits in print, adds Kerry. “As its use in print becomes more common, we are prepared to support and train our clients appropriately, answering their questions and supporting them with secure implementation,” she says. “For most clients, AI is still new and unfamiliar to them and the extent of what AI can do, not just in print, is still unknown. That’s why it’s important for us as their technology partner, to guide them on their AI journey and provide expert advice. “While its natural for people to have concerns around AI, if resellers focus on the benefits of AI, such as cost reduction and productivity, it will encourage openness to the use of AI in print and other technology.”


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