GO2 Distribution has merged with CTS
making buying even easier for you!
Damian Kelly
“Having admired CT Wholesale from afar for the way they have carved a
niche in the com atible toner market, and grown where others had fallen, I
decided it was high time to meet Tteve layton. Very quickly, we established
that our values were the same and the synergies between our two businesses
were very much aligned so our conversation went to the idea of a merger and
by- assed ‘why’ and straight to when and how. Tix months after that initial
meeting, here we are and very much looking forward to making 1+1 = 4 where
together we will build a bigger better business, adding more value to your
business, through a much greater de th of com atible and original roducts.^
01543 474920
Steve Clayton
“Go2 Distribution have rovided consistently over the years a rovision of
OEM EOT consumables and other niche roducts to the ofce roducts and
MET o ier dealer channels via a com rehensive EDI connectivity with all
key back ofce E Es. Co ooin our services which are very much aligned to that
of Go2 with an ex ansive range and quantity of OEM stock is a fantastic
synergy and when Damian and I started discussing many months ago this
had to be an o ortunity for us to ex lore. Our dealer only customers will
have a wider choice to inde endently urchase a greater s an of roducts
and linked to the ex anded wholesale ofering at CT is timed recisely for
all customers to bene t from. I look forward very much to working alongside
Damian Kelly as we build further choice and cost savings for our customers.”
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