Print in the Channel - issue #8


away,” adds Jeremy. “By implementing appropriate measures to protect their employees and customers’ personal information, organisations can reduce the chances of a breach occurring in the first place,” adds Jeremy. “This will help to ensure organisations maintain their reputation with their customers as trusted providers of services or products.” Growing market Elisabete adds that sales of shredders are increasing as more home and hybrid working arrangements become permanent and shredding solutions are required. “Sales in the shredding category grew during COVID as some companies acted quickly to equip their employees with the right tools at home,” she says. “Now that hybrid arrangements are the norm for many, sales are picking up again. Companies that didn’t do the right thing then are doing it now. Sales of smaller, well- designed, quiet shredders like the Leitz IQ range – developed with the home worker in mind – are on the rise again.” Elisabete says that when presenting this category to their customers, resellers should keep hybrid workers’ needs and priorities front of mind. “Since these solutions will be a part of their personal space, hybrid workers prioritise style and convenience when shopping for their home working setups,” she says. “Resellers need to demonstrate not only how these products will shield individuals from regulatory risks, but how these products can fit into their everyday working lives.”

opening the door for potential breaches if this information is handled improperly,” she says. “Home workers are just as responsible for properly managing data at home as they are in the office and need to act accordingly. “While many businesses have stepped up their cybersecurity measures to suit hybrid working arrangements, physical data protection measures are still lacking. Shredding has been a common practice in the office for ages, but hybrid workers have been slow to adopt it at home. “Yet, there are definite benefits to at home shredding rather than hauling documents to the office for shredding there or putting it in the home bin. The more movement involved in the process, the more opportunities there is for a breach. All it takes is one document falling out of a bag on the train or being taken from a wheelie bin. Shredding a document as soon as you are finished with it provides immediate security and peace of mind.” Unreadable particles This is where confidential shredding comes in. Fellowes makes a range of shredders with security in mind. Fellowes, and other manufacturers, make mini-cut and micro-cut shredders, which reduce every sheet of paper that is fed into the machine to 1,000s of unreadable particles and are ideal for home workers. “Those with stacks of paperwork to shred, will find the perfect solution in a heavy- duty commercial shredder or an auto feed machine, where you simply load a stack of sheets into the tray, press play and walk

The more

movement involved in the process, the more

opportunities there is for a breach.

Ellsabete Wells regional marketing director, UK&I ACCO Brands EMEA


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