Print in the Channel - issue #8


“In addition, they need to understand and evaluate the customers’ unique requirements and provide tailored solutions accordingly. This could involve offering different pricing models, scalability options and customised features to meet specific business needs. “Offering value-added services such as workflow consulting, document management integration, security assessments and ongoing support should also be part of the mix. These services enhance the overall customer experience and create long-term partnerships. “Lastly, invest in training your teams to become MPS experts.” Evolving market Michael adds that the MPS software market is expected to continue to grow in the next couple of years. “The key trends that are likely to shape the market include the growth of cloud-based MPS solutions, the rise of mobile printing and the need for sustainable MPS solutions. “Additionally, the focus on integrating MPS with other IT services and the emergence of new MPS markets such as schools, hospitals and other organisations is also likely to grow. Overall, the future of MPS is bright and new and innovative MPS solutions are likely to emerge.” Ian agrees that the market will continue to grow in the next

programs allowing a single interface to manage all assets regardless of what they are – desktop, laptop, printer etc. “There will also be better predictive analysis for break/fix and consumables to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. “MPS may also further evolve into subscription-based models, where customers pay for a comprehensive print and IT services package. Managed IT services will be integrated with MPS, providing holistic support for customers’ entire IT infrastructure, including print management, network security and document management.” AR and AI Ian adds that augmented reality is likely to take on more of an influence, “The technology can enhance the print experience by integrating digital content into physical printed materials,” he says. “MPS providers may explore interactive print solutions, allowing customers to bridge the gap between physical and digital worlds, providing engaging and immersive experiences. “Likewise artificial intelligence (AI)-powered technologies will drive automation and efficiency in MPS. Machine learning algorithms can analyse print usage patterns, optimise print workflows and detect anomalies or potential issues. AI-based print security solutions will enhance data protection, identify vulnerabilities and proactively prevent security breaches. George from Sharp adds that in the next couple of years, as many organisations will have employees either returning to the office or continuing operating a hybrid working policy, some will naturally see print volumes rise again, and as such, demand for software for MPS continue to rise. “Additionally, the rise of AI may mean we organically see this move into all areas of software, including for MPS. Many software providers in other spaces are already jumping on the trend, adding enhanced features for existing paying clients. “For MPS software, we have already seen this type of technology emerge, with automated workflows and handwriting recognition, however it’s likely AI developments will continue to add more sophisticated features in the future.” This shows the potential in the MPS software market now and in the future – and why it should become part of resellers’ portfolios.

End user

customers are looking to outsource the management and maintenance of print devices and consumables to a trusted third party – that’s especially true now that they have switched to hybrid working.

Chris Bates business unit manager – print and supplies, UK and Ireland

couple of years, adding that as cyber threats continue to evolve, MPS providers will need to enhance security measures to protect sensitive information. “Advanced encryption, secure printing, user authentication and compliance with data privacy regulations will be essential features in future MPS solutions,” he says. He adds that there will be more agnostic


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