Print in the Channel - issue #8


streams for their organisation. “It’s no secret that print is declining in the office environment and that’s been accelerated by COVID. But while print will always be here, the reality is we must diversify our portfolios and find new, innovative ways to help our customers.” Beyond printers This also means expanding the relationship beyond just printers and print services, Martin adds. “This industry has always been full of innovative people and entrepreneurial dealers and through that we’ve got great relationships with our end users,” he says. “We need to expand that relationship now beyond the managed print service into cloud production, print enterprise and content management. When you scan something on a MFP where does that document go? How do you archive it, how do you store it? Now you’re talking about content management. When you print a job and you’re in a different office, how do you release that job? You’re now talking about cloud services. This is what we are providing.” Martin adds that Kyocera also has endpoint security as part of its offering as well. “It is essential – anything at the end of the network is an endpoint and it needs to be monitored for threats,” he says. “How to stop third parties infiltrating systems or stopping malware is paramount. We are being attacked all the time, which is why we’ve developed our own suite of security products, called Endpoint Security, to monitor activities on the network. “We can monitor that 24 hours a day, seven days a week and detect an infiltration from a third party wherever it is in the network and isolate that. That’s something we sell into the channel as well. We are bringing new

technologies into the marketplace to stimulate our sales and our partners.” Strong position to push ahead By constantly bringing new technologies to the market, and providing the back-up that resellers need, it means that Kyocera is in a strong position, not only in terms of product availability, but reputationally with its resellers and end users. “Our software portfolio continues to grow,” adds Martin. “We will add more to our cloud solutions and we’ll see more software developments and software packages come out that we can then sell through the channel.” Alongside this, Kyocera will continue to push ahead with its green initiatives. “That is absolutely something we will drive and hopefully differentiate ourselves from the competition through it,” Martin says. “From our point of view, that green conversation needs to include the whole supply chain, not just a bit at the end. We are seeing some vendors that aren’t necessarily taking the whole supply chain into consideration when they announce their carbon neutrality. From that point of view, we’re in a good place. “This agenda will only grow. I think we’ll see more products come out that are more environmentally friendly than they were 10 or five years ago. Likewise, the security aspect of print will also continue to become more important – that’s what keeps a lot of IT managers up at night!” Of course, print solutions still play a big part in Kyocera’s immediate future, and Martin is excited by this. “We’re inventing and bringing out new technologies, such as with our production print inkjet technology. That’s an exciting avenue that our existing dealers should get involved with and I believe will lead us to gaining new partners as well.”

Managed Endpoint Detection and Response

We can monitor that 24 hours a day, seven days a week and detect an infiltration from a third party wherever it is in the network and isolate that.


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