Print in the Channel - issue #15


Powering down With sustainability high on many business’ agenda today, reducing energy usage is a key consideration, which means demand for energy efficient printers is increasing – and OEMs have responded to this.

further down the supply chain to the energy efficiency of their wider supply network,” he says. “In this way, innovation in the print market can be seen – and is now being measured – in an entirely new light. “As a result, OEMs must adapt their approach and focus on providing businesses with a holistic service that goes beyond equipment and the immediate emissions of print devices. Leaders in the market are now considering energy efficiency at every level of their operation; from the energy consumption of at- home devices to the renewable energy sources used for large-scale manufacturing sites. “Canon now sources 78% of its electric power in Europe from renewable sources and is continuing to commit to more sustainable targets. At the heart of Canon’s sustainability initiatives is the philosophy of ‘Kyosei’ or ‘living and working together for the common good’. This philosophy is reflected in the design of Canon devices, which are designed to run at minimal energy levels and maximum efficiency, meaning an energy efficient workflow goes hand in hand with reduced costs and higher productivity. “Refurbishing parts is another aspect of energy efficiency that is often overlooked. By reusing parts, less energy is used to manufacture and transport new materials for device repairs. This is where resellers can help businesses to invest in an end-to-end service, with a trusted vendor, that can help businesses to optimise their supply chain efficiency and

Sustainability is increasingly important to many businesses. Indeed, Quocirca research shows that more than three quarters of organisations are accelerating their sustainability initiatives and 69% want support from suppliers to help them reduce their environmental impact, according to Louella Fernandes, CEO of Quocirca. A key part of businesses becoming more sustainable is reducing energy usage. “Our study also showed that energy efficiency is the second-most important selection factor for organisations, outranked only by sustainable consumables,” says Louella. “Reducing costs is cited as a primary driver for adopting sustainable solutions, and energy efficiency is a key part of that. Consequently, it's important that resellers have a clear picture of the energy efficiency performance of the solutions they are proposing as it is a dominant selection factor. “We also see evidence that digitisation initiatives are being driven by sustainability goals, with companies seeking to reduce the amount of paper, energy and consumables they use in the print environment. As a result of workflow digitisation, print volumes are falling, meaning resellers should think beyond page counts when building business proposals.” Decreasing energy consumption OEMs are continuously working to reduce energy consumption of devices in use and at rest, says Louella. “ENERGY STAR® and EPEAT certification are the most common standards, and we are also seeing remanufactured devices now qualifying for these,” she says. There are various ways that OEMS are making their printers more energy efficient, and it is about much more than just the amount of power they consume. Duncan Smith, country director, production, UK & Ireland at Canon, says the potential for energy efficiency goes far beyond the device itself. “To address indirect carbon emissions – i.e. scope 3 carbon emissions – businesses are expanding their outlook and looking

Louella Fernandes CEO

At the heart of Canon’s sustainability initiatives is the philosophy of ‘Kyosei’ or ‘living and working together for the common good’. “


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