Print in the Channel - issue #15


The vibrancy and impact of AI- rendered images may favour digital channels over print unless print quality matches these standards. “ ”

like to see is how AI can be used to build on what’s been achieved to date in terms of making print easier, more sustainable and more secure,” he says. “Ultimately, whether you’re a print OEM, ISV or reseller, the ultimate question about AI always must be: ‘how can it be applied in a way that really benefits the end user?’” Helen adds that AI’s impact on the print sector will continue to evolve, particularly in creative processes and design. “The vibrancy and impact of AI-rendered images may favour digital channels over print unless print quality matches these standards,” she says. “To keep pace, manufacturers must invest in colour quality to maintain print channel relevance. “AI will also drive customisation and personalisation at scale, optimise workflows, and unlock opportunities in 3D printing for streamlined design processes, innovative approaches and enhanced quality and materials development. As AI can also enhance document management through automated classification and routing, efficiency and accuracy will also improve in the sector in the coming year.” Rowan believes that as AI, and other emerging technologies, continue to evolve and become more widely used, it represents a great opportunity for the print industry to increase the efficiencies of manual processes. “Areas such as hyperautomation – a combination of approaches, processes and techniques that use AI, machine learning and robotic process automation – can automate manual work, which doesn’t require human input, to increase efficiency and improve operational agility,” he says. “Yet despite the many proven benefits of AI to a business, there is a common fear that AI will replace people’s jobs. While AI can reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency, human industry expertise will still always be essential in areas such as customer relations, strategic problem solving, creative direction, and overall management of the print production process. By leveraging AI, print business can focus on their core strengths and expertise while also benefiting from increased efficiency. “So, to keep pace with the rapid evolution of AI, commercial print businesses must be open-minded to innovative technologies and invest where needed to avoid long-term risk, damaging business productivity, staff retention and long-term growth.”

Rowan Jeffreys-Hoar director, Patrner Channel

Future predictions With AI continuing to develop at a rapid pace, it is likely that the technology will have an increasing impact on the print sector over the next 12 months – but it may take time to realise the full benefits of it. Faki says the print sector is rapidly adapting as digitalisation becomes the backbone of many businesses, but many need improve their printer management regimes if they are to take full advantage of the potential of AI. “With this, printer manufacturers, partners and end users must find ways of implementing procedures that use AI to its benefit, whether it’s automating and streamlining workflows or managing and securing full device fleets,” he says. “Despite this, a recent SOTI study revealed that many UK companies don’t have sufficient visibility over printers in their networks, with over a third lacking the ability to access real- time status updates of printers or information about their settings. This emphasises the critical need for businesses to prioritise fundamental aspects of printer management, to fully maximise on AI-driven advancements. “Through AI and automation, printer management and security can be made simpler and more efficient, with the ability to predict issues, detect threats in real-time and automate patches and updates. But businesses must make sure they have the basics mastered first, including something as simple as knowing how many printers they have in their networks and where. As AI continues to filter through every aspect of business, I expect the issue with visibility to come to the fore this year.” Stuart agrees that AI has great potential to benefit the print sector. “What we would

Digital potentially impact traditional printing needs. “ ” document workflows could

Faki Saadi director of sales. UKI


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