Print in the Channel - issue #7


In addition to avoiding waste, an effective labelling solution improves stock rotation while also supporting the allergy reporting that is key to comply with legislation such as Natasha’s Law.

Eco-visibility Indeed, improving information about

allergens and ingredients has become far more important in recent years, with many customers interested in the quality and history of ingredients, especially for venues with a strong local ethic. While information is available on the menu, adding specific messaging to the customer’s receipt is also powerful – especially if the restaurant embraces the new, environmentally friendly blue printer paper such as Koehler’s Blue4estâ thermal paper. As an added benefit, the new blue paper provides a great customer talking point – and demonstrates the business’ commitment to environmental issues. Unlike traditional white receipt paper, these receipts can also go directly into a customer’s food box or with open food, helping with the delivery side of the business as well.

longer-term employees.

High quality self-service experiences To address the staff shortage, a growing number of restaurants are also exploring the power of customer self-service, from QR codes on the table that link to an app with the menu, to kiosks for fast food orders. App-based ordering is particularly useful in high tourism areas, with the app automatically offering different language options. Customers place their orders, which are immediately printed in the kitchen; once ready, the order includes the information required to ensure it goes to the right table. As customers place their own orders, there is less risk of error and payment can be made online, further reducing the number of staff required. The use of kiosk systems with printers is also driving up sales – with fast food restaurants reporting customers buy between 10-20% more food when at a kiosk compared to ordering from a server. In addition to reducing the queues, which attracts more customers, people feel less pressure at the kiosk and are happy to take the time to browse through the menu, leading to larger orders. With the inbuilt printer providing the order and receipt, the entire process is less staff dependent and more profitable. Reducing food waste With the cost of raw ingredients rising at the fastest rate in decades and supply chain shortages continuing to create challenges for restaurant kitchens, staff are under enormous pressure to minimise food wastage. Staff shortages can, again, cause problems. A lack of experience combined with staff working different shifts can make it hard to keep track of product usage, leading to unnecessary wastage of fresh items. Using integrated tablet printers in tandem with a food labelling solution enables kitchen staff to easily keep track of items such as freshly created salads or newly opened jars.

While information is available on the menu, adding specific “

messaging to the customer’s receipt is also powerful – especially if the restaurant embraces the new, environmentally friendly blue printer paper...

Conclusion Balancing cost control with improved

customer experience, especially with the lack of staff, is challenging and restaurants are becoming ever more innovative and flexible as a result. But even simple changes can deliver significant benefits. Eradicating errors from the kitchen to reduce wastage and avoid delivery problems adds immediate bottom-line value. Leveraging mobile printing can maximise the skills of trusted employees to improve the customer experience. And exploring eco-friendly printing options can transform customer perception. Restaurants that innovate today to get through this current crisis will be well placed to maximise potential when the economy improves and will be well placed to maximise the opportunities of the industry’s predicted growth.


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