Print in the Channel - issue #16



ROI. Proposing customised solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing systems can also help increase the likelihood of adoption. “Offering robust technical support can alleviate the burden of managing and maintaining new technologies. This may include training sessions and resources that educate SMBs about the benefits and ways to get the most from their technology investments.” Increasing opportunities With digital technology continuing to advance at pace, there will be increasing opportunities in this part of the sector in the coming months and years. “Advancements in technology, such as cloud computing, AI, and IoT will create new opportunities for SMBs to improve operations and customer experiences,” says Gary. “As more businesses embrace digital solutions, others will need to follow suit to remain competitive, driving further adoption. Furthermore, increasing consumer expectations for digital interactions and services will push SMBs to adopt more digital tools to meet these demands and enhance customer satisfaction.” Resellers will be at the heart of this – and can reap the rewards, Gary adds. “Fundamentally, resellers that leverage emerging technologies and position themselves as knowledgeable technology partners in digital transformation efforts can not only support their SMB customers effectively, but also build and expand their own business,” he says.

Terry Caufield chief commercial officer

understanding the specific needs and challenges of their customers,” says Gary. “This can include their current pain points, business priorities and future goals. Once their needs have been established, you can highlight the benefits digital transformation can bring to their organisation. These can include increased efficiency, cost savings, improved customer satisfaction and competitive advantages. “Resellers should also engage in open and objective discussions about how specific digital tools and solutions, such as MFPs and document management systems, can address their unique needs.”

Print remains a daily necessity for many businesses, but managing libraries of physical files presents a significant time drain. “ ”

Cost benefits Gary notes that resellers should also

emphasise the importance of cybersecurity awareness and training and propose solutions can help safeguard their business now and in the future. This should also play a part in helping to overcome the barriers that SMBs often perceive when it comes to digital transformation. “Cost, expertise and integration are just some of the barriers that SMBs may face when it comes to their digitisation efforts,” says Gary. “However, this is where resellers can play a vital role, guiding businesses in their journey and cultivating longer term partnerships. “There are several ways in which resellers can achieve this. Showcasing examples of similar businesses that have successfully undergone digital transformation can help persuade SMBs of the tangible benefits and


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