Print in the Channel - issue #13


Staying safe The rise of hybrid working has made the need for digital security, particularly around sensitive documents such as those requiring a signature, more important than ever. But how are customers’ needs changing, how should resellers adapt to this and what are the best approaches to selling them?

Hybrid working may have been a boon for employees, who get to have a better work- life balance and avoid the daily commute, but it can provide headaches for managers, especially when it comes to security, such as with sensitive documents that are sent electronically to and from employees in different places. Businesses can ill afford documents to leak into the wrong hands – not least with GDPR considerations – which means they are increasingly turning to technology to help them. “The rise of remote and hybrid working has provoked businesses to be more vigilant when it comes to ensuring the security and confidentiality of documents – especially those containing sensitive information,” says Kevin Dobson, product manager for scan at Epson. “As a result, the demand for document signing and document transferring technologies has intensified greatly. “Secure document signing is particularly important for confirming the authenticity of the signer and the document, whereas secure document transferring guarantees that documents are received and exchanged safely by those authorised to do so. This level of security is vital not only for maintaining trust and preventing data breaches but also for ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR.”

Kevin adds that the market for secure document processing technologies is continually expanding, with growth being primarily driven by the demand for technologies that cater to shared and hybrid work environments. “As such, customers are leaning towards tech that offering features like multi-user authentication and adaptability to various work settings,” he says. “The move to hybrid working, coupled with the perpetual demand for digital transformation, has led to customer demands evolving. Customers are now seeking products that seamlessly transition between the office and the home, all the while maintaining a commitment to security measures due to the increased risks that come with shared devices in offices. “Therefore, manufacturers are dedicating their efforts to providing products that boast portability, convenience and enhanced security to help better support workers in hybrid environments. For example, the Epson DS-790WN has been designed to offer various authentication methods for data protection.” Demand for better Andy Johnson, SMB and solutions business development manager at Brother UK, adds that new legislation like the UK

Kevin Dobson product manager, scan

Secure document signing is particularly important for confirming the authenticity of the signer and the document. “ ”


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