Print in the Channel - issue #13


More for ’24? As we head into 2024, there is optimism in the print sector for what the next 12 months holds, but a sense of realism that economic conditions mean that it won't necessarily be easy.

Allied to that, there are other things to look forward to. For instance, the developments in artificial intelligence (AI) will have an increasing impact on the sector – especially with increasing efficiency – as well as the continued movement of businesses towards cloud printing. There will also be a continuing focus on sustainability, as pressures on businesses in all sectors to reduce their impact on the environment grows – and the print and document management sectors will have their part to play in this. Here, a range of thought leaders from across the print sector give their opinions on what 2024 holds for their business and the wider print sector.

With the Christmas and New Year break a rapidly fading memory, attention is now firmly on 2024 in the print channel and ensuring that this year brings new opportunities and chances for making a profit. After a year of relative economic stability – even if there was generally little to no growth – and the problems in the supply chains of 2022 unwinding, resellers can focus on what they do best: selling and providing services to customers. The economy will have an impact, with many employers looking for their print stock to be as efficient as possible – but for forward- looking resellers there are opportunities there to help businesses to do that.

Michael Field , founder and chief executive, Workflo Solutions As we look forward to 2024, we at Workflo Solutions are optimistic about the prospects

expect a reduction in the first half of the year. When considering further economic pressures, the cost of living crisis will play a big part as businesses strive to support staff, this will inevitably lead to squeezed margins as they increase salaries to ease the pressure felt by employees. We recognise the significance all of this holds in influencing buying decisions within the managed print industry. In terms of disruptive technologies, we anticipate that AI will significantly influence the managed print industry in 2024. Intelligent automation and machine learning will enhance print workflows, providing predictive maintenance, automated supply replenishment and personalised user experiences, but it also has the potential to drive print volumes down quickly. Time will tell on this one. Additionally, we foresee advancements in cloud-based printing solutions and document management. As businesses increasingly adopt remote and hybrid work models, the demand for flexible and secure printing solutions will surge. Workflo Solutions will maintain its investment strategy in cloud migration and document management so we’re ready to address these evolving technological needs with integrating AI into our solutions. I expect that other forward thinking service providers will do the same.

for our business and the broader print channel. The managed print industry in the UK has shown resilience, adapting to challenges and emerging stronger. We believe that the coming year will bring opportunities for innovation and growth. Recent advancements in inkjet technology offer exciting opportunities in the production print space, particularly in transactional mail and high-volume environments where quality isn’t the prevailing consideration. Anticipating major trends in the sector, we foresee an increased emphasis on sustainable and cost-effective solutions. Businesses will continue to seek ways to streamline their operations and managed print services will play a pivotal role in achieving efficiency and reducing environmental impact. We shall remain committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that align with these evolving trends, ensuring our clients stay ahead in a dynamic market. If one were to take 2023 as a precursor to 2024, it’s clear that economic pressures, particularly those driven by the increased cost of funds following each Bank of England base rate increase, will likely continue into 2024. I expect a steadying of this, although I don’t

Michael Field


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